

Be More than a Good First Date

Acquiring a new member is no easy feat. You spend precious resources trying to convey the value of your credit union to potential members. When a new member joins your organization, they have just agreed to a first date. In this session you’ll learn how to get the second date, the third and turn that membership into a mutually beneficial and satisfying relationship. You’ll also take-away ideas on how to re-kindle old flames by re-engaging with long-term members.


the X-Factors

The Strategy of Delivering Exceptional Experiences

The masters of retail—think Apple, Disney, Ritz Carlton and Zappos—know that what matters is not simply serving their customers but providing an experience. Consumers today want the X-factor: Personal and memorable experiences. In this session we will examine the science behind the four X-factors of delivering a consistent member experience. You'll have the tools to transition your organization from a service provider to an experience creator. 


The CHEmistry of retail Delivery

How a Consistent Member
Experience Drives Growth

Chemistry is the ‘bridge science’ meaning it connects all the other natural sciences. Retail delivery is the bridge science for organizational growth. In this session, we will discuss the four essential elements of providing an exceptional member experience, how combining those elements will drive top line growth and how you can put these ideas into action for your organization.