April 7: Postcards From the Future: How Marketing Will Drive Lending Growth Post-Pandemic

We’ve spent the last year in a state of “hurry up and wait” as we’ve adapted to the challenges of living, working and running our credit unions during a worldwide pandemic. Now, it seems, there may actually be light at the end of the tunnel. As we start to emerge from the pandemic, we need to be examining strategies for the future that will help us grow our loan portfolios and ensure that we are marketing our products in ways that are relevant and useful to our members.

Join Us Wednesday, April 7, 12:00 noon to 1 pm

In this interactive virtual session, we’ll examine how consumers borrowing and spending habits have been permanently altered, what products we can expect to be in high demand post-pandemic, and what steps you can take now to ensure that your marketing efforts will be ready to meet your members needs when they are once again ready to set their sights on the future. Join us for Postcards from the Future to learn how marketing will drive lending growth post-pandemic. Register today!

Bryn Conway