Congratulations to PAHO/WHO Federal Credit Union on being recognized as one of Bankdash’s 100 Best Credit Unions in America in 2022. is a personal finance news and research publication dedicated to helping its visitors improve their understanding of everyday personal finance products and the institutions that offer these products. The 100 Best Credit Unions in America list was compiled to help consumers find the highest quality credit unions.
"We are honored by the Bankdash recognition of the performance of the credit union and our continued commitment to service to the global health community,” said Miguel Boluda, Jr., CEO of PAHO/WHO FCU.
In creating the list, Bankdash developed screening methodology that solved for institution stability and quality, value delivered to credit union members over multiple years which was then applied to thousands of credit unions in the United States. In all, more than 25,000 data points spanning several years were examined.
"We believe that all consumers should include credit unions in their investigation of financial products and services and our hope is that this list eliminates a substantial barrier to being able to identify quality credit unions," said Steve Wilson, Editor at Bankdash.