Simon Sinek once famously said, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy WHY you do it.” When you think about your credit union and how to increase member satisfaction, loyalty and engagement, the WHY should be your guiding principle. The what is secondary.
Read MoreI conceptualize giving grace to others as an act of understanding and support and am frequently willing to do it. However, giving grace to myself feels uncomfortable. Here are three ways I will choose to give myself grace in 2024
Read MoreAs we lace up for the 2023 strategic planning season, here are a few lessons from running to help as you plan:
Read MoreIn December, I had the opportunity to attend a retirement celebration for a credit union CEO who had been an industry champion for over three decades. The greatest takeaway from his speech was that while he was very proud of the accomplishments over his career, what mattered most was the fundamental belief that as credit unions, “We are in the people business.” For him the formula was simple: Be accessible, listen and value what matters.
Read MoreSince the pandemic, customer expectations have increased rapidly and tolerance levels for a poor experience have declined just as quickly. Here are three things to consider when personalizing your member experience.
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A mentor once told me that the leader in the room is not the person who speaks the loudest or who has the most senior of titles, rather the leader in the room is the person who makes everyone feel comfortable, heard and part of the process.
Read MoreBryn shares a different take on the confidence gap and how a differential view of confidence in men versus women is a possible reason the confidence gap persists.
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It’s important to recognize the pay gap is just one aspect of how women’s financial lives are different. Understanding these differences will help us be mindful in our approach to gender parity and ultimately will help all of us live healthier financial lives.
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The reality is that women experience a financial lifetime of gaps starting with the discrepancy in pay, that compounds every step of the way, resulting in less money saved for retirement and increased risk for financial hardship as women age. Let’s consider two ways to help improve the financial lives of women.
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Over the last two years, there’s been a lot written on overcoming adversity and learning to be resilient. Resilient individuals and organizations are able to bounce back because they focus on what they can control and where they can impact change. It’s the concept of cultivating a growth mindset. So how do you do that? I think the answer is actually pretty simple: Do something you suck at.
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With everything over the last few years, the skill most needed by us individually and our organizations is the ability to bounce back. Or as I like to think of it, learning to bounce forward. Here are three lessons learned from our Oregon coast trip:
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Have a new leadership role? In this CUES Advancing Women article Bryn joins industry leaders in sharing best practices to successfully acclimate and build confidence.
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Bryn shares her tips for ensuring your strategic planning remains relevant.
CUES Member Exclusive
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Bryn shared her thoughts on strategic planning with CUES CU Management. CUES Members Exclusive
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Four elements that should be at the foundation of your member experience.
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Plan your marketing strategy now to drive loan growth post-pandemic.
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Get ready. There is some serious, pent-up demand about to come your way! This means it’s time to get your marketing and lending houses in order. Here are four things to consider when marketing your loan products for the remainder of the year
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How individuals and organizations can turn setbacks into growth.
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The conventional 4Ps of marketing are: promotion, place, product, and price. But with everything over the last year, traditional wisdom has needed refinement. Here are the 4Ps to focus on now to be ready post-pandemic.
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Though our original vision for 2020 has been greatly altered, we have learned a lot about how our members behave and feel regarding their finances. What is the future of the member experience after the pandemic?
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